Matcha with You

About MwU

Unwavering Beauty Rooted in Tradition

Matcha is made with the spirit of wabi-sabi—the Japanese art of transience and imperfection.

An attention to detail and attentiveness reflects ancient etiquette.
Standing tall and a calm gaze.
We found universal beauty in such traditions.

It is a rare radiance in today’s materialistic world.
It is true beauty that overflows from within.

Kyoto, the ancient capital of Japan
MwU was born in Kyoto, the capital of a thousand years and a city where traditions can still be seen in daily life.

A heart that loves the changing seasons.
The many cultures that have been passed down alongside daily life.
And a history spun from the accumulation of daily life.

Everyday life, difficult to see from the surface, is the starting point of beauty.

MwU depicts the beauty rooted in day-to-day life.
For example, we care for the garden and select the tea utensils long before we welcome guests into the tea room.
Much like preparing the soil used to grow high-quality matcha.
We extract natural essential oils from timber cut through forest thinning to efficiently use all of nature’s bounty.

Everyday accumulation nurtures inner radiance and creates perfectly clear beauty.
No matter the trend or age.
Let us share true beauty with you.

To Build upon Every Day


We Use All of Kyoto’s Blessings without Needless Waste

MwU is made using various ingredients and Japanese plants from Kyoto, such as organic Uji matcha green tea, Kitayama cedar, and famous spring water from Fushimi, Kyoto. This unique combination of ingredients with our attention to detail supports natural beauty.


A Dignified Appearance that Makes Your Heart Dance Every Time You Hold It

MwU’s design was born from the desire that time spent caring for your skin should be a time that fills your heart as well. It quietly regulates your skin and your mind, delivering daily relaxation.